Build the human capital of civilization by helping young people live up to their potential.

Talent is evenly distributed. Opportunity is not.

Every dollar donated helps young people transform into confident leaders for the decades ahead.

$1,000 supports one fellow. This is 5x less than other paid fellowships and is 15x less than per-pupil funding in the US.

This pays for an intensive 10-week program. Fellows get 4+ 1:1 coaching sessions, weekly classes, connection to ambitious peers, 100s of articles in our growing content library, and lifelong continued support.

Fellows can’t pay themselves. We have 150+ fellows from 35+ countries. Most are from the Global South or poor families in the West. The vast majority are under 25.

Give the gift of mentorship. Think of the excellent mentors you had as a kid. Pay it forward.

RF works. Fellows love the program. 93% say it accelerated their trajectory. Fellows have received full-ride Ivy scholarships, have created & run organizations like these, and more. It’s still early.

Education is upstream of a better world. Education is a leading indicator for strong states. Education leads to economic growth. Programs like Roote may be extremely cost-effective—every $1,000 increases a fellow’s lifetime earnings 10x.

We’re just getting started. Help us grow to 1,000+ fellows, shape the future of education, and empower young people to work on the world’s most important problems.

Donate now.

Other ways to donate:

Checks: Make checks out to “Roote Foundation” and mail them to 77 Van Ness Ave Suite 101 #1001, San Francisco CA, 94102.

Donor-advised funds: To make a DAF contribution search “Roote Foundation” or EIN 87-1792423.

Wire or other methods: Email us:

Appreciated securities: There are strong tax advantages to donating appreciated stock, crypto, or other securities. Email us for instructions:

Corporate matching: Over 23,000 employers offer matching gifts. Check with your company to double your donation.

Tax status: We are a 501(c)(3) charity. Your donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 87-1792423.

Other orgs: We see ourselves as part of an amazing educational ecosystem. Some of our favorites to donate to: Khan Academy, Boys & Girls Club, and Room to Read.

Our work is possible through our generous donors thus far: Shingai Thornton, Yaniv Tal, Philip Stehlik, Protocol Labs, The Graph, and dozens of Patreon members. Thank you!

In accordance with Section 6104 of the IRS, here are our: Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Form 1023, Determination Letter, and annual Form 990 (2021, 2022, 2023).